Tuesday, May 3

Cabin Boy, England X America

A/N: Sooo... Yeah... Nothing really to say about this one sides that this one was originally a torture I pulled on my friend when he said there was no way I could get revenge while I was two states away. I texted him the first thing that crossed my mind and then.... This was born. I still feel kinda bad for tormenting him like this (He's straight... Not homophobe, just straight...) Well, onto the story~!
Earlier that day

"'Ello America."
"Hey England! You don't usually call me, 'sup?"
"Well, since I'm having a party tonight, I thought I should probably invite you as well....." England stated boredly.
"Aw, swee-!"
"On two conditions." England interrupted.
"Dude, anything! Besides the food, your parties usually rock!" America stated excitedly.
England growled at the food comment but continued. "One, you can't talk about the party with anyone else before it happens."
"Duuuude!" America began to complain.
"I don't need a repeat of Prussia, Spain, and," there was a pause before the last name was sneered, "France bringing 'party favors' and spiking the drinks.... Again."
".... Alright...." So much for my plan to team cosplay with Canada and Japan just to tick off England.....
"And Two, you have to wear something related to pirates that has NOTHING to do with the captain himself. I want to see how badly your stupid Hollywood has changed the actual clothes from my time."
America could practically hear the smirk as England, once again, proved his ancient age.
"Do I need to repeat myself, lad?"
Lad? "Nope."
"What was that, Cabin Boy?"
Wow.... England really was getting into the entire pirate thing... "No, Captain Kirkland, sir." America replied to appease the old man.
England made a single chuckle. "Good lad, then ye be invited t'me ship fer tonight."
The phone cut off before America muttered "Show off..."