Thursday, November 4

Aishiteru a Germany X Italy Story

Chapter One
What is it?
"Doitsu, Doitsu!" yelled the pasta loving freak. Germany suppressed a moan. "What is it this time, Italy?" A small, brunette man ran up to the taller, blond one. "Do you know Japanese?" Italy asked, slightly tilting his head. "Yes, of course. Why?" the German asked. "Well, I would ask Japan, but I don’t think he wanted me to hear….” Italy babbled. “And I was wondering, what does ‘Aishiteru’ mean?”
Germany’s blue eyes widened a bit in surprise as he recognized the word but he tried to avoid the question. “Why can’t you ask Japan? And what do you mean you don’t think he wanted you to hear? Hear what?”
The smaller man paused as if to choose his words carefully, a rarity for his outgoing nature, so Germany prepared for the worst. “Well… I was walking past cousin Greece’s house and I saw him and Japan outside in the back by that weird olive tree having a picnic. I started walking up to them to see if I could join too.” Italy paused for a couple of moments. “Go on.” Germany said a little reluctantly. “Well… then Japan grabbed one of those rice ball things and fed it to Greece. Greece told Japan how good his cooking was and Japan actually blushed! Japan then mumbled something and nibbled on a rice ball too.”
The German saw how the story was going when Italy paused yet again, but he was determined to keep Italy from finding out the meaning of the Japanese. “Yes, go on.” He repeated. “Then Greece pulled Japan’s chin up and said ‘You have something on your face.’ Japan started to freak out saying ‘What is it? Where?’ Then Greece licked his cheek and Japan turned red. Then Greece said he had learned more Japanese. Japan stuttered ‘W-w-w-what?’ and that’s when Greece said ‘Aishiteru’ and kissed Japan!”
“Italy, you shouldn't’t be spying on someone else’s love life!” Germany scolded, but secretly glad that Japan finally found someone. “But Doitsu, I didn’t mean to spy and I ran away after I saw the kissing start. By the way, isn’t Greece a guy?” “He is your cousin, you should know better than me, but yes. Greece is male.” “And Japan is a guy too, yes?” Italy asked. “Unless you have seen him in a dress, than yes, he is also a guy.” Germany stated bluntly. “So it’s ok for two guys to like each other?” continued the Italian.
Germany sighed. “It depends on the person. There are some people who see it as disgusting and sinful and there are those that it just happens to.” Italy looked very confused, his mind trying to process this new and strange practice. “Those who it just happens to?” he questioned. There was another sigh from Germany before he reluctantly continued. “Yes, some men like other guys from the beginning, others like girls to begin with but then they meet a guy they like even more. It just happens to some people.” Germany rubbed the back of his head. “What you witnessed between Japan and Greece is part of the group that just happened to fall for each other.”
The only answer for a few moments was a confused look on the smaller man’s face. Then “So it’s okay to like a guy if you are a guy too?” he repeated. Germany sighed once more before replying “In my opinion, yes. It is perfectly fine to like a guy.” Germany then received a reaction he didn’t expect. A wide smile formed on Italy’s face as he worked something out in his head. “Ve~! Now I get everything that has happened!” he happily shouted. Germany absently nodded his head before he caught on. “Wait, everything? There is more?”
Italy nodded his head vigorously. “Uh-huh! I have had some confusion about this for years but now I finally get it!” “Get what?” Germany growled. “When I was much younger, I felt things for another boy, the same kind of feelings I get with pretty girls.” Italy said with what Germany found as a cute blush. Wait, a CUTE blush? Not again! Italy is NOT cute! what is wrong with me! thought the poor German. “He was really mean a lot and was very confusing but he was very sweet too. I taught him how to draw a little even though he scared me. And he was my first kiss." Then gloom spread over Italy's features, even causing his curl to droop, as he continued. "Then there was a war. He had to go but he promised to return for me.... and he never came back.."
Tears formed at the edge of the Italian's eyes and Germany was finding it surprisingly hard to fight the urge to hold the sad man in front of him. Anger welled up inside of him at the thought of someone having the Italian and throwing him away. "That idiot!" Germany yelled "What was his name? I swear to God to kill that bastard!" Both men were startled by the outburst. Italy counter with "It's ok. I can see why he would leave. I am weak and stupid..." Germany found this very harsh and almost wanted to yell at Italy and kill the bastard even more for making his friend feel like this "Besides, I am over it now that I have found someone that means more to me." He said, blushing again and finding the ground the most interesting thing in the world at that moment.
The taller man was feeling a mix of pain and anger, something new in his life. the more he thought about who Italy loved, the more it hurt and the more angry he got. Who is it?" he spat and regretted it as soon as he saw Italy flinch. The smaller man, becoming redder than ever, looked back up into the cold orbs of ice blue. "I.... I cant tell you... I don't... want to ruin how close we are now.... H-he probably doesn't even like me... in that way and... h-he might leave me too if he found out.... I don't think I could handle it if he left... too..." he stuttered, pleading with his eyes. "Okay, I get it. You don't want to tell..." was the Germans reply as he turned away. "I'll.... I will be right back. I need to think." and he ran off, never seeing the outstretched hand towards him.
Chapter 2
How does it feel?

What are these feelings? Germany thought to himself. He had left the company of the young man hours ago and was now sitting on a rock with a stick in hand, scribbling in the dirt. A chart was in the sand with more being added at the stick's end. At the top was "Veneziano Italy" and underneath that were the tittles "like, dislike". there were very few under the dislike because every time Germany added something he ended up moving it over to the like side. the Likes had many things listed by this point. I felt angry when he talked about that one bastard leaving him, I felt hurt and furious when he mentioned another man, and for some reason I felt like screaming at him when he called himself stupid. whirled Germany's mind.
I wanted to hold him when he was crying, I found his blush cute many times, i have been seeing him as cute for a while, I was too embarrassed to tell him what aishiteru means, and I even love it when he cuddles next to me in my bed. I also wanted to tell him to forget about that boy cause I am here for him now. I cant stop myself from thinking about how, or what, he is doing. What is this? I cant bear the thought of him hating me or liking anyone else more than me. My chest hurts when I picture him away from me. why do i feel this?
A small voice in the back of his head replied "Maybe your falling in love with him."
No, that's impossible. Me? Fall in love with Italy? But... then again... I could be feeling jealousy which is linked to love... Am I.... Am I falling in love with Italy? He scribbled in under the chart "Italy = love?" he froze and his face turned red. Oh My God.... I'm in love with Italy. "Doitsu, why is my name in the sand?" said a voice from behind him.
Chapter 3
How could I not have noticed before?

The usually careful man yelped and jumped, quickly erasing all scribbles. "W-w-what do you mean?" he nervously said, turning to face the man he JUST realized he loved. "A-and how long have you been there? your quieter than a damn cat!" "I just got here looking for you when I noticed my name. What were you doing?" Italy asked in a clueless tone, tilting his head on reflex. That motion that Germany had taken for granted before now had him staring in awe and adoration, memorizing every detail. He studied in depth the warm chocolate eyes that were focused on him and him alone. He noticed the slight blush of health that some how added to the magik already in the Italian's eyes. He took into account the small and almost feminine-like nose and mouth and the fragile, small form of the brunette. Even that curl that he used to find so annoying didn't fail to capture his attention.
How could I not love him? he thought to himself while wondering why he ever doubted his love. "Doitsu?" Italy asked when Germany remained silent. Germany even had come to recognize and thrive in the tune of a voice he once hated. The voice alone sounded almost as cute as its source with warmth for all it spoke to, even when the rare anger occurred. "Doitsu?" it repeated and Germany remember how warm the voice was to EVERY one. "What?" he replied rather harshly to cover his pain. "I asked what you were doing....." whispered the Italian in a hurt voice.
"Sorry... I was... making plans... for battle and.. stuff.." Germany mumbled in a gruff voice, averting his eyes. The Italian perked up immediately "Ve~! Okay! I made dinner, so that's why i came looking." "Hey Italy..?" Germany shyly said "Yeah?" "Could you... Could you tell me more about this man you love?" The look on Italy's face made him quickly add "I-I mean, cause I'm your friend and I want to make sure that your serious and wont get hurt again! you don't have to tell me who he is, just a little about him."
"Well.... he is very strong and handsome... and he is scary sometimes but he really is a nice guy.... He is very cute but tries to hide it most of the time and he takes care of me but he has no idea how i truly feel.... but I know I love him and I hope he can soon return those feelings." Italy's face grew warmer as he spoke of the mystery man. Germany turned away to hide the tears that threatened to overflow. "He sounds about perfect for you... I hope he does realize it soon and returns your feelings.." He started to walk away when he felt a hand grab his own. He turned to see Italy holding on with a huge smile on his face.
"Lets walk back together and if you don't bring him up again then I will tell you who he is. But you have to promise no matter who i say, you wont hate me." he promised. a blush came over Germany's face as he realized what it meant: one last day where Italy was his alone before he went off to court another. He nodded his head in agreement and let the Italian lead him home.
Chapter 4
What ALMOST happened

"Ve~! I win again!" said a very sweaty Italian. An equally sweaty German growled "Well, you play more than me" ...... wait for it........ and stared at the DDR game with disgust as it seemed to mock his loss. (*author* if you are a fellow perv, write what you thought was going on in the box XD!!! *end*)"Yeah, but now we are both hungry enough for dinner!" exclaimed Italy. "I was hungry before" Germany mumbled. The instant they had gotten home, Italy challenged him to a dance off. When Germany refused at first, Italy pulled off the most adorable pout any person could ever manage and practically begged for just one round. Germany, despite his protesting stomach, just had to agree.
When Italy won the first match, pride replaced the need for food. Twelve games and zero wins later, however, he was famished. "But now Doitsu will really like my cooking!" Italy replied. "Yeah, but i always like your cooking..." mumbled Germany without thinking. Once the words were out of his mouth he hoped Italy hadn't heard. Apparently luck wasn't on his side at all today. "Ya! Doitsu, that's the first time you complimented me! I knew you were nice! Do you really like my cooking?" Italy asked excitedly, practically bouncing in front of Germany.
After a mental head slap for his stupidity, Germany replied "Well... it is better than England's...." with a blush and looked away. A big mistake to look away, as he found out seconds later when something ran into him and wrapped its arms around him. An "uff!" later and Germany looked down to see the Italian practically on him and snuggling his face into the blonde's chest. "Ya! I made Doitsu happy for once!" the smaller man said, most sound lost in the chest. Said man looked at Italy, dazing off. He closed his eyes tight and wrapped his own arms around the Italian, enjoying and loving this one moment of having him for himself. He held him as close as he dared without hurting the soft and warm other and buried his face into the silky brunette hair.
Italy's scent hit Germany and he lightly breathed in the smell of sweat, pasta, and something sweet he couldn't place at the moment. This combination was ecstasy to the German and he decided then and there that there was nothing in heaven that could compare to this. "Of course you've made me happy. You seem to be an expert at that." He whispered, barley loud enough to be heard. He slightly squeezed tighter before pulling back just enough to look Italy in the face. The smaller man's eyes were wide with astonishment and his mouth was slightly open. Germany could resist seeing the open mouth and slowly bent down but as soon as he was close enough to taste the other's breath....
"Germany! I think we should meet a bit lat-" In walked Japan and the two men flew in opposite directions. Japan looked at each blushing man and guessed what happened but didn't seemed surprised. "I think we should have the meeting later tomorrow. I might not be able to make it til the afternoon. I kinda have a plans... tonight... so... just thought I would suggest that..." Japan blushed at the mention of his "plans" so Germany guessed it had to do with Greece. He cleared his throat before gruffly saying "Good for you. Hope you enjoy it and i look forward to the meeting tomorrow Afternoon."
Japan gave his thanks and left the room, leaving an awkward silence in his stead. Each man both refused to look at the other, lingering on what had, and what almost, happened. After a few minutes of this Germany could stand it no longer. "So.. uh, there was talk of dinner?" He asked forcing himself to look at Italy. He met the stare of a red man also forcing eye contact. "Uh... Yeah... how about we go eat now?" he replied and Germany agreed. As he followed Italy out of the room he thought to himself What just happened? Why did i just try to kiss him when I know he likes some one else? Why does it hurt so much?
Chapter 5
Perverted Minds and Food don't mix!

The two men sat across from each other at a small table, eating spaghetti, in silence. I wonder what hes thinking... Its not like it would have been his first kiss. The German thought bitterly. His first was that... that... kid... I don't think he mentioned a name... "Hey Italy, what was that kid's name?" asked Germany, glad to find a way to break the tension. "Hm? what kid?" replied Italy, also glad for a way to distract his mind. "Well... you never told me the name of that boy who left... You only vaguely mentioned him... who was he?" "Ah.... him.... well.." Italy searched for the words. Germany int erupted "That is, only if you don't mind. If you don't want to tell that's totally fine with me."
"No, no. It's fine. I'm just trying to remember everything." Germany nodded and waited. "When I was younger, everyone was fighting over me and Romano..." The German sneered at the mention of the over-protective brother. "Anyway..." Italy accented as a warning "I went with Miss Hungary and Austria to work as a servant at Holy Roman Empire's house. He was around my age and he was the most persistent to make me apart of the new Roman Empire. When I first lived there he would watch me clean from behind doors and that kinda scared me. One day, though, he asked me to teach him to draw. We both drew bunnies and he let me examine his work. But when I grabbed his hand to help him fix it he ran off. That kind of thing happened often. When I would be nice to him, he would run away."
"He still asked me to become part of the new Roman Empire but he wasn't as mean. He even snuck me food when Austria limited my food supply. Although he usually glared all the time...." Italy smiled at bit and looked at Germany who glared in response "He was always blushing around me, especially when I wore Miss Hungary's clothes that one time." Germany snorted at the idea of Italy in a dress and earned a pout. "I use to have a squeaky voice and they thought I was a girl!! Well, as I told you, he had to leave to go to war.... so how was your childhood?" he asked, to avoid sadness. "I don't remember much. All I can remember is a little girl I liked and that I went by a different name." "Do you remember her name?" "Not really, I don't even remember my old name." there was a slight pause before Italy asked warily "...Do you still like her?"
"Not really... like you, I think I have found some one much better now." Germany answered before looking away. "Nee nee Doitsu! I told you a little about who I like, now it's your turn. What is the lucky girl like?" Italy prompted, and Germany could hear his stupid, adorable grin. "I.... Well, to begin with, he is a boy, not a girl. I... Just recently realized how I feel about him although I have found myself quite attached and attracted to him for a while now... I... I think I might actually love him but he is already taken..." "Your in love with Japan?" the Italian guessed. "Wha...? No! no, no, no, no! Ew! Not THAT taken!" Whoops, sorry... Continue please." said the now humble man.
"He.... He is really hyper and... I think he is adorable... and... well.. he isn't taken in that sense but I know he likes some one else... But I think I will stay by his side in case he does need me.." Italy looked around and asked "If you'll always be by his side, where is he now?" Germany turned red and looked to the side. "T-t-that's a secret..." He bounced up and left the room, leaving Germany alone to his thought till returning. "Doitsu, I hope you like cake!" said the Italian, carrying two small cakes, one per hand. So that's what smelled sweat earlierGermany thought as he nodded his approval. When the cakes were placed down, one was what seemed to be a chocolate cake and the other was what he guessed to be vanilla. on closer examination he also noticed they were shaped... "Italy, these look like our countries!" he exclaimed, looking again at the chocolate, boot shaped country and the messed up Pac-man shaped Germany. "Yep, each country has a different flavor. try a piece of mine first! and hurry, i love extra chocolate too!" "Extra chocolate?" "Yeah, cut it open, you will see what I mean."
Germany cut off a little peice and sure enough, chocolate oozed out. He grabbed his cut and tried a bite as Italy dug into his own peice. Once he tasted it he was again reminded of Italy's culinary genius. "So Doitsu, you like?" Italy asked between mouthfuls. "Um... you remember what I said about your cooking earlier?" "Yeah?" "This is way better than Englands, and even France's cooking..." he said with a blush, embarresed at how easily such a troublesome creature could get a complament out of him. "You havent even tasted your country yet! I based it off your favorite flavor." was the exicted reply. Favorite flavor, huh? does mine taste like Italy? was the unguarded thoughts in Germany's head before his freak out. No, no, no! I just found out how I really feel about him, now is NOT the time for THESE kind of thoughts! Thats is! I getting rid of all my magazines after this! he internally cried. He grabbed his country's representation and cut a peice into it and stiffled a groan when a nearly white substance oozed out this time. He could feel a nosebleed The color of this cake is Not. Helping. My. Mind! thought the unfortunate pervert.
"Sorry it's a strange color. that weird website said it should have been lighter..." were the inocent words of the Italian, unaware of his companion's thoughts. those last words about "weird website" and "lighter color" insured the finale nose bleed as Germany ran out of the room and into the nearest bathroom. He barley had enough time to grab a tissue before the red gush almost stained his shirt. "Diotsu, are you ok? Did you eat something bad?" "No.... I just... had too much chocolate!" replied the German, hoping the Italian would buy it while he cleaned his nose.
"....I'm.... I... I am so sorry! Why am I such an idiot? I made you sick... Why do I keep screwing up!?" Italy yelled, leaning on the door. The same door sudenly swung inward and the Italian found himself falling forward into the arms Germany's arms as he yelled "Stop it! You its not your fault, I had a nose bleed and I was too damn embaressed to admit it, but i refuse to make you cry! I loved the cake and I cant wait to try the other just... please, dont cry or be mad at yourself" begged the German. The same arms that had caught him now tightened their hold around him and leaned down till their cheeks touched. Italy could feel the warmth of the taller man but refused to move. The blonde pulled away and grabbed his hand, leading him back into the kitchen. "Come on, I've got a cake to try." he mumbled.
Germany sat in frount of his peice of cake and took a bite, forcing all thoughts, perverted and other wise, from his mind. He tasted the cake and was suprised by the flavor. "Italy, does this cake have beer in it?" he asked, a bit suprised such a thing could be made. "Yes, do you like it?" asked the worried man. "Yeah... Its... Ok..." said the German, reaching the end of his kindness, and the Italian took it as a compliment. they finished the cakes and went outside to the cool, crisp night air. Italy sighed before he spoke.
Chapter 6
Lemon Alert!!!!

"Doitsu, I'm ready to tell you who I like... Its...." he mumbled the last and most important part, then asked "Germany, who is it that you like?" "what? u-um... Wh... Why do you want to know?" he replied rather cleverly... "Well... I... I like you, Doitsu.. I think I love you... and... I was wondering who you like... becau-" he was interupted as now familiar arms wraped around him. "I love you too." the German whispered. Italy's eyes widened as his dreams were coming true, the ones he never dared to believe could happen. He felt his chin lifted and lips pressed against his own. His lips... they are soft... he thought suprised. A tear formed although this was his happiest moment. Why and I crying...? I am so happy... Germany pulled away and noticed the tear. The pain on his face was plain before he kissed the tear away.
"No, I dont what to make you cry, whats wrong? am i going too fast? Am I doing something wrong?" he asked frantically and repeated when he got no reply. "I... I dont know why I'm crying... I am so.... Happy!" Finaly answered Italy, lust looking up at his new lover with a bright smile. He stood frozen in that position, afraid he might shatter the moment. Germany leaned in and kissed him again but when he tried to pull away Italy threw his arms around his neck and tried to pull him back down. Surprised, but not entirly unwilling, he allowed another kiss.
As the inocent kiss continued, Italy felt Germany nip his lower lip. He gasped in surprise and soon found himself in a battle of tongues. It was new and strange but not entirly unpleasent and his moan was eaten by the other. Into that less inocent kiss he poured all of his love and trust towards the German and had a feeling Germany was trying to as well.
They parted a moment for breath, linked for a moment by a thin trail of saliva. Both gazed into the other's face, looking for signs to see if he had done something wrong or if it was safe to continue. But all they could find was complete trust in there. Again their lips met with renewed need and a hand slid down to the crook of Italy's back, forcing him closer than ever. As the kiss deepened, hands were entwined and lost in golden and burnette seas, further deepening the kiss. Right when Italy become lightheaded from lack of air, the kiss yet again ended. He felt warm all over, but it was too warm. He was feeling like he was on fire and very uncomfortable, especialy down south. Isnt there a place you go when you feel like this? isnt there something you do? He thought to himself during another kiss. Yes, there is! he finally remebered.
When they broke apart, Italy grabbed Germany's hand and ran back inside and across the house to Germany's room, glad that Prussia and Austria were both terrorizing other people else where tonight. Germany shoved Italy into the nearest wall and attacked hislips, instinct taking over. He held the smaller man's hands to the wall above him with one hand and held the small of his back with the other, forcing the Italian's head to roll back and break the kiss. Germany took this as an oppertunity to latch himself to the place where shoulder and neck joined. As he continued to suck, determined to leave a nice, dark mark, Italy shivered in pleasure and moaned. "Nhg!... Doitsu!" he moaned, the most addictive sound the German had ever heard. Yearning to hear it again, he left the now purple mark and attacked the lips again, leting his the one hand roam under the shirt while the other hand become lost in the other's hair. As he tweaked one of the bud underneath, the Italian moaned even louder than before.
He didnt pay attention to the other's hands until the kiss and his grasp was broken by his shirt being lifted off. He growled at the article before attacking the lips again. The feel of warm hands on his bare back felt great but something in the back of his head was nagging at him. He had a sudden urge to look down and when he did, he became ashamed. He had somehow placed himself between Italy's legs and he could guess what would happen if he let this continue. They would go to the bed, fuck like crazy, and regret it the next morning, a thought he couldnt bear to come true. He broke away and resisted the weak tugs to bring him back. Un unhooked himself, with much effort, from Italy's grasp. "Italy, lets stop..." the blond said rather reluctantly. "what..? did I do something wrong?" Italy asked, trying to remeber anything he might have done wrong.
"No, no... its not you its just... we really havent talked this over... do you even want to continue? I mean... will you regret it tomorrow...? Shouldnt we disscu-" He was cut off as the smaller nation jumped up and pecked his lips. "Thankyou for thinking about me, but I love you. Nothing could ever make me regret what might happen unless you hated me. I trust you and I know that you will try your hardest to be gentle. I dont mind at all." He said with a warm smile before wrapping his arms and legs around his lover, accidently causeing their lower halfs to rub rub against each other. "Ng!... Yo-You sure about this?" asked Germany as he held up the other. "Yes" was all the reply he needed before plopping Italy on the bed and crawling on top. He lowered himself to the smaller man's ear and whispered "If you want to stop, say so." before grinding his hips into Italy's.
Italy's moan was cut off halfway, inhaled by the German's lips. as the kiss progressed, both sides fighting for all they were worth, Germany stradled Italy's waist and his hands went to the hem of said country's shirt. Italy didnt know how but one minute he was kissing the man he loved fully clothed and the next he was shirtless, still in the same kiss. His hands tried to caress the chest above him but were pushed and held down by strong arms as the kiss broke and Germany licked the crook of his neck before nipping and kissing his collar bone. The brunette tried and miserably failed to supress the shuder of pleasure that wracked his body. Slowly the kisses headed further down, reaching one of the small, pink nipples. while he lightly nipped and licked one bud, he tweaked the other with his fingers, causing the Italian to roll his head back in pure pleasure as a small dribble of drool escaped with his new onslaught of moans. He uncounsiously bucked upwards causeing his seme to moan as well.
As this continued, warmth swirled to the pit of Italy's stomache, causeing his member to become stiff and hard. "D-Doitsu!" he screamed pleadingly "What?" asked the German, hoping he didnt do something wrong. "I-it hurts!" he groaned and bucked again into the larger nation. Germany mentaly slapped himself for the second time that day for forgetting about the most private region. He clumsily indid and slid off the pants and undergarments to reveal an erection that would truley hurt. He wrapped his hand around it and pumped a litle until it leaked with precum. By this time, his own region began to hurt so he quickly freed himself of all annoying garments, leaving him as naked as the Italian. He quickly got up and rumaged through his drawers, remebering a rant Prussia always had about other men he fucked (why he listened to Prussia's sex life, even he couldnt answer) and how they all insisted to be streched properly when he wanted to have his way. Since Prussia wouldnt buy lube for himself and Germany was tired of his brother's bitching, Germany happened to have a bottle in his drawer for Prussia.
Upon victory of finding the scented substance (which suprisingly smelled like chocolate) he climbed back on top of Italy and coated his fingers with a generous amount. As he slid the first finger into the other's puckered entrance, he did his best to distract his lover with his most skillful kiss so far. As the hole became use to the intrusion, he added a second finger and did a siccor motion. He could feel Italy's grimance so he further deepened the kiss which seemed to work. He quickly added a third finger and streched until he could handle it no more. He took out his fingers, latthered his member with much lube, and gently picked up the Italian's legs to slowly sheath himself. The tightness and warmth almost overwhelmed him but he stopped to allow Italy time to adjust to the intrustion, larger than a mere three fingers. He felt hands cling to his back and barely heard Italy whisper "Please."
Germany was able to control himself enough to start slowly. He remembered another tip from Prussia (again he questioned himself about why he had listened in the first place) that all men have a certain sweet spot "You will definatly know when you find it" Prussia had once said. He gently pulled out then gently thrust back in, angling differently each time looking for Italy's "spot". Italy felt the way Germany rolled differently each time but couldnt figure out why until he saw white spots in his vision. He arched upwards and cried out "Ah!! Doitsu! Right there!!!"
Germany lost all control now that he found the place that pleasured his lover and started to increase the speed and depth of the thrusts. Italy bucked down in time and wrapped his legs around Germany's waist, forcing the thrusts further in. Germany grabbed Italy's weeping appendix and stroked in time with the thrusts. The smaller man was quickly approaching his climax and panted "D-Doitsu... nhg!... I am about... to... ah!" Italy screamed Germany's name at the top of his lungs as he felt the sweet release and the chamber around Germany tightened even more. He came in Italy moments later, the Italian's own name on his lips. Exhausted, Germany collasped on top of Italy after pulling out, his seed trickling out as well. He rolled off the smaller nation. Both men were panting but before sleep could claim him, Germany felt Italy cuddle up to him and ask, "By the way, what does Aishiteru mean?"
"That's Japanese for 'I love you.'" replied the German. The last words he heard and repeated before he fell asleep were "Aishiteru."
Well, I hope you liked this. leave a comment and haters are welcomed! please tell me what i need to improve! I will be working on orginazation of stories soon and i will also be adding a new story within the next week. Keep and eye out for my newest story "PDA and Onsen, A Greece X Japan". till next time, later =^_^=


  1. I enjoyed the story and you remind me a lot of my friend who is also named Cat. At first I thought you were her because you are so similar and she loves writing yaoi about Hetalia. I think the only thing you need to work on is double checking your spelling but other than that it was pretty good.

  2. Lol, I know my spelling sucks XD I often rant about how stupid English is even though it's the only language i'm totally fluent in. And it would be a funny coinsidence if I am the same Cat. I might be, you never know and it's a small world. I have moved a lot so I might actually know you. Is your Cat still around your area or has she moved? and thanks for the review, I have a fanfiction account if you want to read those stories too. My user name is Night-Huntress019 so you can check me out if ya want. I hope I can make future stories even better and I thank you again for the review.

  3. Oh my god, i love it, i love your fics. I read the other Germany x Italy too! love it love it love it love it! especially germanys reaction to japan and greece! perfect! Five Stars! Aishiteru!!!!xoxoxoxo

  4. I loved it!~ It was soooooo mutch better then I could have ever done!~
    Stars out of 10: over 9,000

  5. @564saqw Thank you :D I have to admit, I feel this is one of my less well written stories but I'm glad you likes it =^_^=

  6. You do know its appendage..... Right? Otherwise, the story was fucking awesome!!!!! Love it soo much

  7. It was one of my older stories so it's probably full of grammar and spelling issues and I apologize about that ^^;

  8. Omg!! So cute, so innocent yet so... Perverted!!! :D Poor Germany X3
    I Loved the WHOLE thing!! Very good!! :3

  9. Thank you, and I'm glad you enjoyed it. I hope I can make more stories that you'll enjoy in the future =^_^=

  10. I loooove your fanfics!!! There the only ones i read. I refuse to read others but yours are awesome!!!!!!!!!

  11. OMG!!!! I LOVED THIS SOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!*insert fangirl scream here*

  12. XD men have pictures girls have fanfictions, and boy this was so cute c:
