Wednesday, October 1

Nice to Meet Ya, AlfredXEngland

Hey everyone, just a quick update. I have once again started posting chapters to Nice to Meet Ya. I will be releasing chapters the day they happen in the story and since the first one starts on a Wednesday on October 1st, today marked the beginning of the recently re-edited chapters being posted. I now have a pretty good idea of how I will end this story, which was the problem I was never able to overcome when I originally posted it. But now I know how Arthur feel in this High School AU Hurt/Comfort Romance, I now think I can accurately describe his emotional state and his thoughts much better. Check it out here: and let me know if you like the changes if you read it in the first place. It's been a long while since I last posted and I deleted all the previous chapters so I won't be too surprised if you don't remember the original.

1 comment:

  1. Hey cat idk if you still get on this but plz continue writing
